Tuesday 8 November 2016

General Overview Of The Environmentally Friendly Jute Bags

We all know that jute bags are a more environment friendly, money-saving and convenient option to plastic bags, which don’t last very long either. But how many of us care to ditch the many plastic bags from stores and buy a long lasting, environmental jute bag instead?

Jute bags are 100% biodegradable and an excellent alternative to plastic bags. They have a low ecological footprint, are low maintenance and extremely durable. 

Besides, jute is one of the cheapest produced natural fibres other than cotton and has now made room for itself in some of the biggest retail chains outlets of the world. Jute bags of different shapes and sizes are all the rage currently, and are used for all occasions and parties, plus as as worthy accessories. They are manufactured as coffee bags, wine bags, fashion bags, tiny drawstring bags and as document folders.

The chemical resin which plastic comprises of, takes a sizeable amount of time to decompose, sometimes millions of years. By then, our Earth will be a huge plastic dump. These bags will continue to clog drains and sewage termination systems, unless we use jute bags instead of plastic ones. Jute bags can fulfil pretty much any purpose you imagine. As a matter of fact, it will make you wonder why you hadn’t gone shopping for wholesale jute bags earlier.
Here are some must-know advantages of jute bags to increase your awareness.

1.      Larger Life Span

Unfortunately, plastic bags won’t be usable for a long time because the rubbery texture of the plastic will cause the bags to stretch and tear apart soon, although they will not fully decompose. However, jute bags will live for a long period of time and won’t tear after a couple of weeks. They can be reused to a large extent.

2.      Help Us Conserve Fossil Fuels

A large quantity of petroleum is wasted every year in manufacturing billions of plastic bags for commercial use, which is speeding up the depletion of fossil fuels. Jute requires less cultivation space and will help us conserve our fossil fuels for valuable uses in the future.

3.      Decompose Easily

As mentioned earlier, jute bags, unlike their plastic-made cousins, decompose and break down into the soil quickly. Since plastic is manufactured out of thick, durable chemicals, it will take millions of years to break down into miniature particles and blend in with the soil.

4.      Heat Resistant

Jute bags are heat resistant and will protect your high-temperature grocery supplies and food grains from getting spoilt. Plastic bags, when exposed to heat, will give birth to cancer-causing chemicals, which are a huge health hazard.

5.      Help Save Money

Jute bags purchased wholesale bought through online shopping are a cheaper comparative to the pricey plastic bags which you have to pay for every time you go to the supermarket. Since jute is produced on a large scale, it has a cheaper price.

In addition to all of these points, jute bags are trendy and stylish compared to the boring, bland plastic bags which never had any title in the history of fashion. Jute bags can even be blended with other fabrics like leather, canvas, cotton and polyester to look uber-cool. Jute bags, being more smart-looking, can even be used for clothing and accessory shopping, which is a plus!

So, are you ready to replace the ugly plastic poly bags lying in your drawer for months and purchase a stylish, long-lasting and comfortable jute bag? If not, draw a breeze of oxygen into the environment by doing so right now. A jute bag will be more useful than you think!

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