Thursday 22 September 2016

What are the Best Ways of Using Bandanas?

Bandanas make a great style statement. Put one on and you are sure to turn heads in a crowded area! Bright and patterned, they are easy on the eye and easy on your pockets as well, so you can buy some really cheap bandanas online.  Bored of your hairstyle?  Well, you can put on a grungy act and tie on a really cool bandana, to strut your style mantras with elan. It is no longer only the style staple of cowboys. Here are some really cool ways of rocking a bandana!

Top Uses of Bandanas
Bandanas are an extension of your style statement but, it is not only that. There are a myriad of other ways to use this piece of cloth. In fact, it is much more than just a piece of cloth.
  • Napkins- Bandanas are an inexpensive way to substitute your ubiquitous white napkins. Be it at a party, a barbecue or even at picnics, you can use them without worrying about food stains and so on. They are bigger and brighter options for napkins.
  • Bandana- Instead of tying them around your head, you can also tie them around your neck, to protect your neck from cold winds and the scorching sun.
  • Glorified handkerchief- Sometimes, your tiny handkerchiefs do not suffice and you need something bigger; here’s where your bandana acts as an able substitute. Take it along with you for your long travels and see how wholesale bandanas serve a number of purposes.
  • Wash-cloth- Well, bandanas are so versatile that you can use them as a perfect washcloth, as they cover quite a large amount of surface area, proving to be a perfect replacement for your old washcloth.
  • A substitute for wrapping paper- If you are racking your brains as to how to give a perfect makeover to your humble gift, a bandana can do the needful. Wrapping the gift in a colorful bandana can act as a lovely surprise to the person you are gifting. We are sure he/she will be thrilled to bits.
  • Use it as a marker or flag- Bandanas can also be used as makeshift flags. It helps you get noticed if you are lost. Waving a colorful bandana can attract the attention of people from a long distance.
  • They act as great tie-ups- For women, a bandana is a real savior. They can tie their hair up with the help of a bandana, giving the neck a bit of a breather.
  • Acts as an emergency bandage- It is great for sudden emergencies. If you are injured and your hand or leg is bleeding, a large bandana can act as a pressure bandage to stem the blood flow until you can find something to fix your wound.
  • A sweat absorber- If the weather is too hot and humid, make sure you take along a bandana to absorb the sweat, tie it around your forehead and stop the flow of sweat.
  • Cover your head- Yes you can protect your hair if you are on a bike or travelling in a convertible car. The bandanas can protect your hair from the heat, wind and cold. So always have one with you.
Buying bandanas in bulk makes total sense, considering they have a large number of uses. There are a number of bandanas on sale online, as well in your nearby markets. Buy a few of them and see how a bandana can make your life a whole lot easier.

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